HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 PLUS

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

A na u hloka sethala se teteaneng se nang le ts'ireletso e hahelletsoeng ka hare le maemo a bonolo a sebetsanang le lits'ebetso tsa mantlha tse kang virtualization, software-defined storage (SDS), le High-Performance Compute (HPC)?
Ho aha ho HPE ProLiant joalo ka motheo o bohlale oa leru le nyalisitsoeng, seva ea HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus e fana ka processor ea 2nd AMD® EPYC™ 7000 Series e tlisang ho fihla ho 2X [1] ts'ebetso ea moloko o fetileng. Ka li-cores tse fihlang ho 128 (ka tlhophiso ea 2-socket), li-DIMM tse 32 bakeng sa mohopolo ho fihla ho 3200 MHz, seva sa HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus se fana ka mechini e theko e tlase (VMs) e nang le ts'ireletso e neng e e-so ka e bonoa. E na le bokhoni ba PCIe Gen4, HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus e fana ka litefiso tse ntlafalitsoeng tsa phetisetso ea data le lebelo le holimo la marang-rang. Ha e kopantsoe le ho leka-lekana hantle ha li-processor cores, memori le I/O li etsa HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa virtualization, le meroalo e matla ea memori le HPC.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Moqapi o Fetohang
Seva ea HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus e na le chassis e feto-fetohang, ho kenyeletsoa li-modular drive bays tse ka hlophisoang ho fihla ho 28 SFF, ho fihla ho 20 LFF, kapa ho fihla ho 16 NVMe likhetho tsa drive The HPE Smart Array Essential Essential le Performance RAID Controllers e fana ka. tshebetso le ho feto-fetoha ha likarolo tse ling tse kenyeletsang bokhoni ba ho sebetsa ka bobeli SAS le HBA mode.Khetho ea OCP 3.0 kapa PCIe standup adapters e fanang ka khetho ea marang-rang a marang-rang le lesela, e leng se etsang hore e be scalable bakeng sa ho fetola litlhoko tsa khoebo.The HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus e ts'ehetsa mefuta e mengata ea lits'ebetso, e etsa hore e tšoanele libaka tse ngata.
Seva ea HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus e na le HPE iLO 5 e behang leihlo li-server bakeng sa taolo e tsoelang pele, tlhokomeliso ea lits'ebeletso, tlaleho, le taolo e hole ho rarolla mathata kapele le ho boloka khoebo ea hau e sebetsa ho tsoa kae kapa kae lefatšeng.
HPE OneView ke enjene ea othomathike e fetolang likhomphutha, polokelo le marang-rang hore e be lisebelisoa tse hlalositsoeng ke software ho iketsetsa mesebetsi le ho potlakisa ts'ebetso ea khoebo.
HPE InfoSight e fana ka AI e hahelletsoeng ka hare e bolelang esale pele mathata pele a etsahala, e rarolla mathata ka nepo, 'me e tsoela pele ho ithuta ha e ntse e sekaseka datha - e etsa hore sistimi e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e be bohlale le e tšepahalang haholoanyane.
Karolo ea HPE iLO RESTful API e fana ka li-extensions tsa iLO RESTful API ho Redfish, e u lumellang hore u sebelise ka botlalo mefuta e mengata ea likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa API le ho kopanya habonolo le lisebelisoa tse etellang pele tsa 'mino.
Seva ea HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus e hahiloe ka Silicon Root of Trust e le menoana e ke keng ea fetoha ka har'a silicon ea iLO. Motso oa silicon oa tšepo o tiisa firmware ea boemo bo tlase ho BIOS le software ho netefatsa boemo bo botle bo tsebahalang.
E tlamelletsoeng ka har'a motso oa silicon oa tšepo ke AMD Secure Processor, processor e inehetseng ea ts'ireletso e kentsoeng tsamaisong ea AMD EPYC ho chip (SoC). Ts'ireletso ea ts'ireletso e laola boot e sireletsehileng, encryption ea memori, le virtualization e sireletsehileng.
Run Time Firmware Validation e netefatsa firmware ea iLO le UEFI/BIOS ka nako ea ho sebetsa. Tsebiso le ho hlaphoheloa ka boiketsetso li etsoa ha ho fumanoa firmware e senyehileng.
Haeba bobolu ba sistimi bo fumanoe, Server System Restore e tla lemosa ILO Amplifier Pack ka bo eona ho qala le ho laola ts'ebetso ea ho khutlisa sistimi, ho qoba ts'enyehelo e tšoarellang khoebong ea hau ka ho khutlisetsa firmware ho litlhophiso tsa feme kapa sebakeng sa ho qetela se tsebahalang se netefalitsoeng se netefalitsoeng.
Seva ea HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus e tšehetsa HPE Right Mix Advisor ho fana ka tataiso e tsamaisoang ke data le ho khanna motsoako o loketseng oa leru la lebasetere bakeng sa mesebetsi e mengata, e lumellang moralo o bohlale, ho falla ka potlako ho tloha likhoeling ho isa libeke, le ho laola litšenyehelo tsa ho falla.
HPE GreenLake Flex Capacity e fana ka ts'ebeliso e lefuoang ea IT sebakeng se nang le ts'ebeliso ea nako ea 'nete le metering ea ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa, kahoo o na le bokhoni boo o bo hlokang ho bo sebelisa kapele, ho lefella lisebelisoa tseo o li jang, le ho qoba ho fana ka phepelo.
HPE Foundation Care e thusa ha ho e-na le bothata ba hardware kapa software, e fana ka maemo a 'maloa a karabelo a itšetlehileng ka IT le litlhoko tsa khoebo.
HPE Proactive Care ke sete e kopaneng ea lisebelisoa tsa software le software e kenyelletsang boiphihlelo bo matlafalitsoeng ba mehala ka ho qala ho qetela taolo ea linyeoe, ho thusa ho rarolla diketsahalo kapele le ho boloka IT e ts'epahala ebile e tsitsitse.
HPE Financial Services e u thusa ho fetohela khoebong ea dijithale e nang le likhetho tsa lichelete le menyetla ea khoebo e tsamaellanang le lipheo tsa hau tsa khoebo.

Tlhaloso ea tekheniki

Lebitso la processor

Letoto la AMD EPYC™ 7000

Lelapa la processor

Moloko oa 2 oa Letoto la AMD EPYC™ 7000

Mokotla oa processor o teng

64 kapa 48 kapa 32 kapa 24 kapa 16 kapa 8, ka processor, ho latela mohlala

Cache ea processor

256 MB kapa 192 MB kapa 128 MB L3, ka processor ka 'ngoe, ho latela mohlala

Lebelo la processor

3.4 GHz, boholo bo itšetlehile ka processor

Mofuta oa phepelo ea motlakase

2 Flexible Slot lisebelisoa tsa motlakase, boholo ho latela mohlala

Katoloso slots

8 boholo, bakeng sa litlhaloso tse qaqileng, sheba QuickSpecs

Boholo ba memori

4.0 TB e nang le 128 GB DDR4 [2]

Mehopolo, e tloaelehileng

4 TB e nang le li-RDIMM tse 32 x 128 GB

Li-slots tsa memori


Mofuta oa memori

HPE DDR4 SmartMemory

Likarolo tsa ts'ireletso ea memori


Likarolo tsa fan ea sistimi

Li-fan tse sa hlokeng letho tse chesang, tse tloaelehileng

Mookameli oa marang-rang

Khetho ea khetho ea OCP hammoho le standup, ho latela mohlala

Molaoli oa polokelo

1 HPE Smart Array P408i-a le/kapa 1 HPE Smart Array P816i-a le/kapa 1 HPE Smart Array E208i-a (ho ipapisitse le mohlala) joalo-joalo, bakeng sa lintlha tse ling, sheba QuickSpecs.

Boholo ba Sehlahisoa (metric)

8.73 x 44.54 x 74.9 cm

Boima ba 'mele

15.1 lik'hilograma


3/3/3 - Tiisetso ea Seva e kenyelletsa lilemo tse tharo tsa likarolo, lilemo tse tharo tsa mosebetsi, lilemo tse tharo tsa ts'ehetso ea sebaka sa marang-rang. Lintlha tse ling mabapi le tiisetso e lekanyelitsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara le tšehetso ea tekheniki li fumaneha ho: http://h20564.www2.hpe.com/hpsc/wc/public/home. Tšehetso e eketsehileng ea HPE le tšireletso ea litšebeletso bakeng sa sehlahisoa sa hau li ka rekoa sebakeng sa heno. Ho fumana leseli mabapi le boteng ba lintlafatso tsa lits'ebeletso le litšenyehelo tsa lintlafatso tsena tsa lits'ebeletso, sheba webosaete ea HPE ho http://www.hpe.com/support.

Drive e tšehelitsoe

8 kapa 12 LFF SAS/SATA/SSD e nang le 4 LFF drive e ka morao ea boikhethelo le koloi e ka morao ea 2 SFF ka boikhethelo.

Pontšo ea Sehlahisoa


  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: