ROUND ROCK, Texas - Phupu 31, 2023 - Dell Technologies (NYSE: DELL) e senola letoto la linyehelo tsa mantlha tse etselitsoeng ho matlafatsa bareki ka mokhoa o potlakileng le o sireletsehileng oa ho aha mefuta ea AI (GenAI) setšeng. Litharollo tsena li thusa ho potlakisa liphetho tse ntlafalitsoeng le ho holisa maemo a macha a bohlale.
Ho atolosoa ka phatlalatso ea May's Project Helix, Dell Generative AI Solutions e ncha e kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa IT, li-PC le lits'ebeletso tsa litsebi. Litharollo tsena li tsamaisana le ho amoheloa ha GenAI e felletseng e nang le mefuta e meholo ea lipuo (LLM), e fanang ka tšehetso maemong ohle a leeto la mokhatlo oa GenAI. Mokhoa ona o atolositsoeng o thusa mekhatlo ea boholo le liindasteri tsohle, e tsamaisang liphetoho tse sireletsehileng le liphetho tse ntlafalitsoeng.
Jeff Clarke, Motlatsi oa Molula-setulo le Co-Chief Operating Officer of Dell Technologies, ba hatelletse bohlokoa ba Generative AI: "Bareki, ba baholo le ba banyenyane, ba sebelisa lintlha tsa bona le maemo a khoebo ho koetlisa, ho hlophisa hantle le ho fana ka maikutlo mabapi le tharollo ea litšebeletso tsa Dell kenyelletsa AI e tsoetseng pele lits'ebetsong tsa bona tsa mantlha tsa khoebo ka katleho le ka nepo. ”
Manuvir Das, Motlatsi oa Mopresidente oa Enterprise Computing ho NVIDIA, o ekelitse hore Generative AI e na le monyetla oa ho fetola data hore e be lits'ebetso tse bohlale bakeng sa ho rarolla mathata a rarahaneng a khoebo. Dell Technologies le NVIDIA li sebelisana 'moho ho sebelisa monyetla ona, qetellong li ruisa bareki molemo le ho khothaletsa boqapi ho pholletsa le ts'ebetso.
Dell Generative AI Solutions e phahamisa potefolio e pharalletseng ea Dell, e kenyelletsang li-workstations tsa Dell Precision, li-server tsa Dell PowerEdge, polokelo ea boholo ba Dell PowerScale, polokelo ea ntho ea khoebo ea Dell ECS, le mefuta e mengata ea lits'ebeletso. Lisebelisoa tsena li fana ka ts'epo e hlokahalang bakeng sa ho tsamaisa tharollo ea GenAI, ho tloha ho li-desktops ho ea litsing tsa data tsa mantlha, libaka tse haufi le maru a sechaba.
Khamphani e etelletseng pele ea papatso ea dijithale ea Majapane CyberAgent e khethile li-server tsa Dell, ho kenyeletsoa li-server tsa Dell PowerEdge XE9680 tse nang le NVIDIA H100 GPUs, bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea eona ea tlhahiso ea AI le papatso ea dijithale. Daisuke Takahashi, Setsebi sa Tharollo ea CIU ho CyberAgent, o rorisitse boiketlo ba tšebeliso ea sesebelisoa sa tsamaiso sa Dell le li-GPU tse ntlafalitsoeng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse hlahisang AI.
Karolo e hlokomelehang ea leano la Dell's GenAI ke Dell Validated Design for Generative AI le NVIDIA. Tšebelisano ena le NVIDIA e fella ka polane e fokolang, e ntlafalitsoeng ho tsamaisa ka potlako sethala sa GenAI sa modular, se bolokehileng, le se scalable maemong a khoebo. Mekhoa ea khale ea ho fana ka maikutlo e tobane le mathata a ho phahamisa le ho tšehetsa LLM bakeng sa liphetho tsa nako ea nnete. Moralo ona o netefalitsoeng o sebetsana le mathata ana, o nolofalletsa bareki ho fihlela likhakanyo le liqeto tsa boleng bo holimo ka data ea bona.
Meralo e Tiisitsoeng ea Dell, litlhophiso tse lekiloeng esale pele bakeng sa tšibollo ea GenAI, li phahamisa lisebelisoa tsa Dell joalo ka Dell PowerEdge XE9680 kapa PowerEdge R760xa. Sena se kenyelletsa khetho ea NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs, software ea NVIDIA AI Enterprise, moralo oa ho qetela oa NVIDIA NeMo, le software ea Dell. Motsoako ona o matlafatsoa ke polokelo ea data e sa hlophisoang, ho kenyeletsoa polokelo ea Dell PowerScale le Dell ECS. Dell APEX e fana ka phepelo ea meaho e nang le ts'ebeliso ea leru le boiphihlelo ba taolo.
Litšebeletso tsa Dell Professional li tlisa bokhoni bo fapaneng ba ho potlakisa ho amoheloa ha GenAI, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso le boqapi. Litšebeletso tsena li kenyelletsa ho theha leano la GenAI, lits'ebeletso tsa ts'ebetso tse felletseng, lits'ebeletso tsa ho amohela bana tse etselitsoeng linyeoe tse ikhethileng tsa ts'ebeliso, le ho eketsa lits'ebeletso ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ka lits'ebeletso tse laoloang, koetliso kapa litsebi tsa baahi.
Litsi tsa mosebetsi tsa Dell Precision li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ka ho thusa baetsi ba AI le bo-ramahlale ba data ho theha le ho hlophisa mefuta ea GenAI pele ba e phahamisa. Lits'ebetso tsena li fana ka ts'ebetso le ts'epahalo, tse nang le li-GPU tse fihlang ho tse 'ne tsa NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation GPU sebakeng se le seng sa mosebetsi. Dell Optimizer, software e hahelletsoeng ka har'a AI, e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ho lits'ebetso tsohle, khokahano ea marang-rang le molumo. Karolo ena e thusa basebelisi ba lisebelisoa tsa mehala ho sebelisa mefuta ea GenAI ha ba ntse ba ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho fokotsa matla a betri.
Likhatelo-pele tsena li tšehetsoa ke boitlamo ba Dell ba ho kopana le mekhatlo hohle moo e leng teng leetong la bona la GenAI, ho e beha molemong oa katleho lefatšeng le ntseng le eketseha le bohlale le le tsamaisoang ke theknoloji.
Ho fumaneha
- Dell Validated Design bakeng sa Generative AI e nang le NVIDIA e fumaneha lefatšeng ka bophara ka liteishene tsa setso le Dell APEX.
- Litšebeletso tsa Dell Professional bakeng sa Generative AI li fumaneha linaheng tse khethiloeng.
- Litsi tsa mosebetsi tsa Dell Precision (7960 Tower, 7865 Tower, 5860 Tower) tse nang le NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation GPUs li tla fumaneha lefatšeng ka bophara mathoasong a Phato.
- Mosebetsi o ikamahanyang le maemo oa Dell Optimizer o tla fumaneha lefats'eng ka bophara litsing tsa ho sebetsa tsa mobile tsa Precision ka la 30 Phato.
Nako ea poso: Aug-17-2023